The heard of an internal Audit Unit in an Assembly shall, in the performance of the functions of that office, report to the head of the Assembly

Function of the Internal Auditor

  • Independently review and appraise the systems of control within the municipality

Recommend improvements to internal controls

  • Ascertain the extent of compliance with legislation, standards and manuals, policies, plans and programmes
  • Provide assurance to the management of the assembly that polices of the assembly are being carried out with adequate control of the associated risk
  • Facilitate good practices in evaluating and managing risks
  • Save money by identifying waste and efficiency
  • Identify and make recommendations to avoid waste and help to ensure that the assets and interests of the assembly are safe –guarded against fraud
  • Deter fraudsters and assist in the detections of fraud should it occur, and encourage the management of the assembly to improve the understanding of management of the internal audit work.

The processes for undertaking these primary functions of the internal audit units shall be provided for in the standards of the Agency and the internal audit manual and charter of the Assembly


An internal audit unit shall prepare the following plans

  • Strategic audit plan
  • Annual plan, and
  • Assignment plans