In the Municipal of Kaweebibim, Ghana Statistics Service conducts an integrated business establishment survey.

The main goal of the recent week-long training that the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) arranged for enumerators around the country was to provide them with the skills they need to do the Integrated Business Establishment Survey. The objectives of this statewide survey are to identify shifts in business structures over time, improve business categorizations, and build an online, up-to-date business register. The poll is expected to run for at least 30 days, with an official start date of January 15, 2024.

To ensure the successful completion of the survey, 48 enumerators, 10 supervisors, and 1 municipal lead have been strategically assigned to Enumeration Zones throughout the Kwaebibirem municipal.

The Kwaebibirem municipal government's Integrated Business Establishment Survey (IBES 2024) aims to update the business register. Enumerators are responsible for compiling detailed data so that the municipal government can create an accurate and up-to-date business registry. The study additionally attempts to update and improve the classification of companies and gather information to assess the financial value of companies functioning inside the municipal Planning and analysis of the economy require this information. In order to provide insights into the changing economic landscape of the nation, the survey also aims to identify any changes or adjustments in the organizational structure of firms over time.

Within the designated Enumeration Zones, enumerators have started working to complete a few particular survey tasks. Data collection is one of these activities, and enumerators must gather information on the kind of industry, ownership structure, and financial performance of every company. In order to guarantee accuracy, enumerators are also required to cross-reference the data they gather with the records that already exist and, if needed, perform on-site verifications.

In order to resolve any ambiguities, get more data, and address concerns, enumerators must also actively interact with managers and owners of businesses. The last step is for enumerators to turn in their data via the appropriate routes, which guarantees a prompt and well-organized information flow to the Ghana Statistical Service.

The Ghana Statistical Service's assistance and the enumerators' committed work are essential to the success and accuracy of the data being gathered as the Kwaebibirem municipal Integrated Business Establishment Survey moves on. In addition to aiding in the creation of a trustworthy business record, the data acquired from this operation will offer insightful information about the local economy.